Monday, December 30, 2019

The Smallest 3D Print Job Yet

The Smallest 3D Print Job Yet The Smallest 3D Print Job Yet The Smallest 3D Print Job YetTiny soccer players of the world, rejoice. Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratories have produced the universes smallest 3D printed soccer ball. Not only have they created the technique to 3D print such nanostructures, theyve developed software that will allow anyone to create their own nanoprototypes with focused electron beam-induced deposition technology.The method springs from instrumentation and techniques already used to make integrated circuit mask repairs Gas is flooded into a system and adsorbed on surfaces. When an electron beam strikes the target area theres a probability of creating a reaction.In the early 2000s, Japanese researchers built solid three-dimensional objects at the nanoscale with an electron beam that scanned back and forth, building up layers one at a time, much as todays macro 3D printers do. They showed that there is a pathway to make truly 3D objects, says Jason Davidson Fowlkes, a staff scientist at Oak Ridges Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, who leads the research. But moving from solid blocks to more complicated structures is only one of the hurdles that needed to be jumped. Another big one was keeping things clean previously, a lot of unwanted carbon would be left where the beam hit metal. Weve simultaneously shown both these things, says Fowlkes. You can make something three dimensional and you can purify these materials too.Focused electron-beam-induced deposition enables direct-write synthesis of freestanding 3D nanostructures. Image Oak Ridge National LaboratoriesTo put their beam to proper use, Fowlkes and his team had to grapple with the statistical nature of electron beam deposition. Material is added at the intersection of the beam and the object. If that contact is lost, the process comes to a halt. As electrons reisepass through the solid they send secondary electrons flying, increasing the chance of lost beam contact . Fowlkes developed a finite difference method to overcome the problem. Its almost like a statistical model, he says. You cant believe any one event it tells you, but cumulatively over time, when you average those events, you start to binnensee a realistic picture. The simulation has to include a lot of variables adsorption of the gas, its distribution on a surface, and how it moves around once its there.The potential applications are as many as they are small, including nanosensors, nanobiotechnology, quantum computing, and anything that might need to be built on a nanoscaffold. To put the technology directly into the hands of those who can make the most use of it, Fowlkes has been working on making the whole system user friendly. Ive created a software package that allows you to design an object on the screen in three dimensions, he says. You can go in and run a few experiments for calibration, upload those into this program, and then it spits out a file which you can then take to the instrument and deposit the object that youve created on the screen. In the simulation, users will be able to test out the many different ways the beam can be scanned to make the same object. Fowlkes has run the same process on Oak Ridges helium ion microscope, which has allowed him to make the same structures, but smaller, faster, and more efficiently.But however efficient new iterations of the technology, this nanoprinting is currently most useful for prototyping. Someone will have to invent a multi-beam electron instrument before it can be put to use in manufacturing. And theres still a kink or two to work out on Fowlkess end. Right now, removing carbon from the object to clean it results in some distortion. This is sort of the last step, he says.Once we can get rid of this distortion, its a game on kind ofthing.Michael Abrams is an independent writer.Its almost like a statistical model. You cant believe any one event it tells you, but cumulatively over time, when you average those events, you start to see a realistic picture. Jason Davidson Fowlkes, Oak Ridge National Lab

Thursday, December 26, 2019

6 Ways to Proofread Your Resume

6 Ways to Proofread Your Resume6 Ways to Proofread Your Resume0Whether youre crafting your very first resume or revising a years-old document, proofreading your resume is an essential step for all job seekers at any professional level. Mistakes big and small can mean the difference between getting an interview and getting the rejection letter. Dont let a resume leave your hands without following these tips for proofreading your resume.Here are six ways to proofread your resume1. Read it line by line, word by word.Go slowly and read each word without skimming. This is a great way to catch missing words, double words (such as the the), and misused words (youre instead of your).2. Read it out loud.Reading your resume out loud will help you catch places where your words dont flow well, places where commas are needed, and places where you might need to expand.3. Read it backwards.Reading your resume backwards will force your brain to slow down and see each word on its own. Youll more easi ly be able to find spelling and capitalization errors.4. Use an angeschlossen program or professional service.It can never hurt to run your resume through an online program, such as Grammarly ( members get a Grammarly discount), to help catch errors. Seeking out professional services (such as Kibin) will get your resume in front of a professional proofreader.5. Have someone else proofread it.Having someone else proofread your resume provides it a fresh look. Without having read your resume before, they can more easily spot errors your eyes may have glazed over. If you have one, a writer or editor friend willing to be a second set of eyes on your resume can be particularly helpful.6. Print it out.We often read things differently in print than on screen. Having your entire resume on one sheet (or two) of paper, without having to scroll down your screen, can help you see the entire picture. Look particularly at the style and set up of your resumeare your periods, bullet points, dashes, hyphens, and numbers all consistent?Proofreading your resume is a must to have the most professional and accurate reflection of you as a job seeker and to land an interview. Following these six ways to proofread your resume will put you on the right path to job search success.Readers, what steps do you take to proofread your resume? Share with us below

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Tips for Keeping the Job You Have

Tips for Keeping the Job You HaveTips for Keeping the Job You HaveOne of the comments I get over and over again from unemployed job seekers is to do whatever you can to keep the job you have, unless youre ready to move on and have a new job lined up. If you are unhappy with your job, before turning in yourresignation, take a look at these tips on how to keep your position. You dont need to stay forever, but, if you can, you may want tostay at least until you have another job lined up,because its harder to find a new positionwhen youre unemployed. Top 10 Tips for Keeping Your Job Try and Make the Job Work.Is there anything you could be doing differently to make the job work? Could you ask for a transfer or a shift change? Is there anything that would make a difference and convince you to stay? Work Hard.Most employers dont mind a little time spent on Facebook or texting, but do focus on your job and give your employer the time youre getting paid for. When it comes to making lay-of f decisions, and the company has to choose, your employer will keep the most productive employees. Make sure youre one of them. If spending too much time on Facebook is your main vice, make it mora difficult to visit the website by installing a Facebook blocker in your browser. Both Google Chrome and Apple offer a couple that are highly effective in keeping your Facebook time in check. Be On Time.Employees who are late to work, take a long lunch hour, use a ton of sick time, and/or leave early every day arent going to win any points with their boss. Be punctual and be there, instead of making excuses for why you cant be at work. Should a personal issue be the cause of your tardiness, schedule a meeting with your boss to explain the situation. Ask if they would allow you to stay late to make up for lost time until you resolve the issue. Most employers will sympathize and be flexible if the matter is serious enough. Be a Team Player.Be the employee who gets along well with everyone, w ho doesnt take part in workplace gossip, and who offers to help colleagues. A positive attitude and kindness goes a long way in earning respect and trust from your colleagues. This approach will even lead to your heightened satisfaction and happiness at work. Be Flexible.Flexibility can be a key component of hanging on to your job. When your company needs someone to change shifts, work weekends, put in some overtime, or take on new tasks, consider volunteering if your personal schedule permits. Dont Complain.Nobody likes complainers, regardless of how legitimate the complaints are. If you dont like your job, know that there are plenty of other people who would jump at the chance to get it. One way to stop complaining is to practice gratefulness by saying, I get to do something, instead of I have to do something. By changing one word, you will immediately start to see the glass half full There are some cases when it does make sense tospeak up. If for example, you are being discrimina ted against or harassed by a co-worker, then it is important that you have a formal meeting with someone from HR. Offer to Help.One of the best ways to get (or keep) job security is to volunteer for new initiatives, to offer to help with projects, and to take on mora responsibility. Doing so will also benefit you the more you take on tasks outside of your comfort zone, the more you will learn and grow. Keep Social Media and Work Separate.Even if youhate your job, keep it to yourself or your trustworthy family and friends. Dont post your discontent on social media, because chances are, the wrong person will see it. That, in and of itself, can cost you your job. Be Positive.A positive attitude is very contagious and a key component to keeping your job long-term. I have a Post-it note on my desk with the quote, Cheerfulness is a choice, from Rosanne Cash. Maintaining a positive attitude, even through tough times, will make your life and the lives of your colleagues much easier. If you feel stuck in a negative rut, make simple changes to your daily routine to become more positive. Suck it Up.Maybe its not your favorite job. Maybe youd rather be doing something else. However, it is a paycheck and if you need the income, it can make sense to stay until you secure a new position. Also spend some time considering whether its more than the job job thats the problem - perhaps your career is in need of a makeover. When All Else Fails.When keeping your job simply isnt feasible, and it isnt always, take the time toprepare to job searchand plan your departure. That way, youre not scrambling to find a job because you just got terminated. But be sure you have secured a job before quitting, if you can.In fact, research shows that its much easier to find a job when you are employed. Related Articles Reasons to Quit Your Job How to Quit a Job

Monday, December 16, 2019

Work at Home for Accentus in Medical Transcription

Work at Home for Accentus in Medical TranscriptionWork at Home for Accentus in Medical TranscriptionIndustry Medical document management firm, i.e., medical BPO specializing in transcription and medical coding Company Description Accentus, which was formerly called Transolutions and is now part of Nuance Healthcare, is headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, but it offers services hires in both the United States and Canada. The company offers medical transcription services to doctors, clinics and hospitals and medical coding to his hospital clients. Types of Work-at-Home Opportunities at Accentus The company offers remote medical transcription jobs in the U.S. and Canada. In the U.S. some of ansicht positions (acute division) are for employees, while the jobs in the U.S. ambulatory division and the Canadian jobs in both ambulatory and acute are for independent contractors. In medical coding, it hires experienced, certified medical coders and coding quality assurance staff. These o pportunities are for work-at-home and on-site (travel-to-client) coders. Requirements for Medical Transcription Jobs In the United StatesThe acute division, which serves hospitals and multi-specialty clinics, hires part-time employees for 24-32 hours per weeks week for shifts cover all hours in the day. Weekend work is required. One year of acute care transcription/editing experience is required. Additionally experience on accounts with 40 dictators and ESL dictators is needed. Windows-based computer with XP or Windows 7 is required. Read more about the technical requirements for Accentus transcriptionists. These jobs offer medical/dental insurance, paid time off, Internet reimbursement and other benefits. The ambulatory division hires experienced, independent contractors for flexible schedules of mostly weekdays. These jobs do not offer benefits. In CanadaBoth the ambulatory and acute division positions are for independent contractors only. In the acute division, transcriptioni sts should be certified or have two years training and a minimum of two years recent experience transcribing and editing in acute care. However, the recent completion of an accredited medical transcription course with an average of 90 percent or higher maybe substituted for experience. Transcribers must commit to produce a minimum of 250-300 audio minutes per week (approximately 20-25 hours). In the ambulatory division, most of the jobs are full-time contract positions for transcriptionists with a minimum of 3- to 5-years experience within a specific specialty who can produce 80 audio minutes per day. Hours are typically weekdays. Requirements for Medical Coding Jobs Coders in the U.S. must have certification, such as CCS or CCS-P and/or CPC or CPC-H, RHIT and RHIA, as well as 3- to 5-years coding experience. Those applying to remote coding positions should have experience working in a virtual office. (On-site coders must be available to travel.) Applying to Accentus Choose either the Accetentus Career Canada page or Accentus Careers United States. Then choose the type of workcoding or transcriptionand apply through its online applications system. Disclaimer Advertisements for work at home jobs or business opportunities placed on this page in the section labeled Sponsored Links or elsewhere are not necessarily legitimate. These ads are not screened by me but appear on the page due to having similar keywords to the text on the page.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to shut down a colleague that takes credit for your work

How to shut down a colleague that takes credit for your workHow to shut down a colleague that takes credit for your workHas this ever happened to you? Youre in a meeting and the unthinkable happens a colleague claims credit for your work.As you reel from the shock of what just occurred, your self-talk goes into overdrive. How dare they. The audacity you say to yourself as you start to play out the consequences in your mind. What does the rest of the team suppose my role welches? Making the coffee?But in the time it takes to come to grips with what just happened, something even more critical occurs The moment passes. The team moves on to a new topic. The time for speaking up and publicly correcting the mistake has passed. Everyone knows who owned the accomplishment, andits notlage you.Prevent it from happening againTheres really only one sure-fire method of preventing this from happening, and it is to preemptively, publicly, claim credit foreverythingyou do.At the Executive Women Inte rnational Academy of Leadership conference last week,Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, keynote speaker (and all-around awesome lady) Fawn Germersaid If you dont take credit for what you do, it is likely that someone else will.To be completely realistic, though, I understand that are many very reasonable reasons why you may not be entirely comfortable doing this. And you are by no means alone. Later that day at the europisches whrungsinstitut conference I asked my class of 120 women (and one man) in my leadership workshop Who here feels 100% comfortable promoting their accomplishments at work? As is usual in such groups, only three or four individuals raised their hands.Publicly claiming credit for the work you do, also known as tooting your own horn is not comfortable for most people. Why? Heres my theory Weve all worked with someone who overdid it and was always bragging about their achievements. In response to this, we say to ourselves I never want to be that person and cease cla iming credit for our work even in situations where it is appropriate and necessary.But consider the consequences Unscrupulous colleagues can seize the opportunity to claim credit, because youd left it sitting on the table as though it was there for the taking.Now consider what feels worse Proactively claiming credit for your major accomplishments, or having that credit taken by someone else. Hopefully, you can agree that promoting your achievements is the lesser evil.So mark each major milestone by stopping work and taking action to attach your name to the result. For example, make an announcement in a meeting or by email such as Team, I just completed the financial modeling for this quarter and have begun work on next quarter. If youd like have questions or would like to discuss the results or methodology, please let me know.In theory, doing this consistently should shut down the likelihood of a colleague claiming credit, but of course in the real world, one might still slip throu gh If so, how should you respond?Here are three steps to decisively and diplomatically shut down a colleague who takes credit for your work.Step 1 Immediately set the record straightLets say it happens again. Youre in a meeting and a colleague, Kevin, claims credit for your work again. What should you do?Whatever you do, dont let the moment pass. It is important to speak up immediately, even if this means interrupting or speaking over the top of someone.If you feel flustered, try not to let it show. Smile, and aim to speak withwarmth and authorityin equal measure, and say To clear up any misunderstanding, what Kevin is trying to explain is that we collaborated on this effort. He led the initial data gathering, while I devised the methodology and performed the analysis. Smile one more time, and then shut up.Why say it was a collaboration, even if it wasnt? It is to help Kevin save face with the team, because the real conversation will take distributions-mix with him privately, late r. You dont want to raise his defenses any higher than they already are. If you have thrown him under the bus now, you can forget about having a reasonable conversation later.Step 2 Follow up in privateLater, but not too much later, with your trademark mix of warmth and authority, approach Kevin privately and ask if this is a good time to discuss what happened.After you have his permission, tell Kevin that you respect his work and his contributions to the team, and that you wont hesitate in future to praise him publicly for his contributions. Then with a tone of pure authority, say But if you claim credit for my work again, Iwillset the record straight. Is that clear? Listen carefully to what he has to say, but dont be persuaded to back down from this very reasonable request.Close the conversation by thanking him for understanding and adding anything else youd like to say to ensure there are no hard feelings.Step 3 RepeatWith that, the matter should be settled. But just in case it e ver happens again, be on the alert and ready to speak up, firstly in public and then later in private, whenever someone else claims credit for your work, Kevins work or that of another colleague. If their behavior continues after multiple conversations, escalate your complaint to a higher authority such as your supervisor, and share your track record of prior conversations to show that youve been handling it like a grown-up and taking reasonable action.In her keynote speech to EWI members, Fawn Germer also said Dont avoid uncomfortable conversations. They take between five and fifteen minutes, and often a lot less Ultimately, a short, uncomfortable conversation can be far less stressful than working in a team where credit and praise are unfairly given and taken.Jo is founding editor leading authority on womens leadership,Jo Milleris a sought-after, dynamic, and engaging speaker, delivering more than 70 speaking presentations annually to audiences of up to 1,200 wo men.This column was originally published on

Friday, December 6, 2019

New Questions About Social Media Coordinator Resume Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report

New Questions About Social Media Coordinator Resume Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report Things You Wont Like About Social Media Coordinator Resume and Things You Will The advertising program will incorporate the next components and must be reviewed no less than every 90 days. The internet advertising business is always searching for anyone with superior people skills, superb marketing and advertising talents, and the capacity to reach a wide selection of individuals. Over the past ten decades, social media became one of the most effective communication tool on the planet. There are already more than 200,000 individuals who work in social networking and the variety of interested applicants will continue growing. Employers are usually much more interested in your ability to acquire results. In addition, Social Media Coordinators need to have the ability to communicate efficiently with different members of their own team. Companies prefer candidates who ha ve completed at least two decades of formal advertising and marketing study. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. Resources While you may not have to be an Excel expert, understanding Excel and knowing what you could do with it can be extremely valuable. Here is a list of public speaking skills you might need. Browse some other relevant resumes below and distitelblatt your inspiration. The Ultimate Strategy for Social Media Coordinator Resume Community management is having the ability to navigate the on-line sphere of promoting your brand when engaging with your customers. If youve got the resources, these may be divided up and specialized. If youre a tech-savvy professional with an interest in communicating with clients through internet channels, wed love to meet you. As a social networking specialist, you fully grasp the significance of conveying the proper message. While you may not have to be proficient in each ar ea mentioned previously, being good at a couple of them would turn you into an amazing social networking manager and a valuable asset to your company. It changes daily, and the ideal approach to continue to keep people speaking about your company and your products is to remain adaptive. Even though a thriving social networking manager ought to have all or nearly all of these skills, there are different abilities as well that could enable you to get your message out, based on the character of your position and whether youre designing the social networking strategy or simply executing it. A great social networking community manager is equipped to ask the proper questions to facilitate engagement and answer questions regarding the item, company, or industry. It invites the hiring manager to have a peek at a personal site and many professional accounts. Before you opt to compose your cover letter, you have to assess yourself first if youre up for the duties a social media managing p osition entails. They may be a very good base for what to look for when selecting a new social networking manager. In addition, you can look for event coordinator jobs on Monster. Its also vital that you demonstrate that you know the way your role connects to the larger picture, as several of the tasks can appear mundane but are extremely important. It may also be put to use as a work hunting site, since there are businesses who post job hirings. No matter your degree of job knowledge, your resume format is vital to making your application stick out. Present your prior knowledge in chronological order and offer details of your function in every position. Experience in social media marketing is essential because clients wish to observe results from what youve already done. Social networking is the ideal marketing tool nowadays. Social media marketing is not only cold hard tactics. The ausprgung social media marketing was not in the lexicon. My capacity to know the larger marketing picture lets me work social networking into those strategies and make new online marketing and advertising campaigns that will maximize your institutions marketing efforts. Your visual branding has to be consistent. When social media started there werent any tools to measure the effect of your campaigns and advertising initiatives on social networking. When applying for a social networking manager position, youll need to highlight your understanding of social networking accounts, trends and analytics on your resume. Social Media Coordinator Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone Keep in mind, however, that the numbers dont tell the entire story. Individuals will ask questions and at times wish to participate in a sale. Second, observe the language. Keep in mind this list is non-exhaustive. You might find it helpful to use a template too, to help format your letter, and make sure you include all of the info required. In addition to supplying general inspiration, a sample will help you understand which information is the most important and the way to format it. Below youll find a social networking coordinator cover letter sample, together with advice on how to organize, write, and make a thriving cover letter of your own.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How to Handle Personality Clashes in the Workplace

How to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to geschftlicher umgang in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. unterstellung tips offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality clashes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up mora, therbeibeiefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise yur other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when yur big personality is also a big performer you need to make sure everyone is happy and productivity remains hi gh.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as parte of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big personality is causing genuine problems and other more traditional solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assign him/her to an upcoming public speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the kampagne to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to musiknotlagee that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer tafelgeschirr or marketing, but might not fit well into group environments. Think about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often need this simple reminder to keep their person ality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles HR Articles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at WorkHow to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to business in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. These tips offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality cla shes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up more, therefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise your other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when your big personality is also a big performer you need to make sure everyone is happy and productivity remains high.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as part of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big personality is causing genuine problems and other more traditiona l solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assign him/her to an upcoming public speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the initiative to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to note that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer service or marketing, but might not fit well into group environments. T hink about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often need this simple reminder to keep their personality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles HR Ar ticles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at WorkHow to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to business in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. These tips offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality clashes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up more, therefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise your other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when your big personality is also a big performer you need to make sure everyone is happ y and productivity remains high.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as part of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big personality is causing genuine problems and other more traditional solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assign him/her to an upcoming publ ic speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the initiative to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to note that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer service or marketing, but might not fit well into group environments. Think about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often need this simple reminder to ke ep their personality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles HR Articles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at WorkHow to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to business in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. These tips offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality clashes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up more, therefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise your other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when your big personality is also a big performer you need to make sure everyone is happy and productivity remains high.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as part of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big personality is causing genuine problems and other more traditional solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assign him/her to an upcoming public speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the initiative to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to note that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer service or marketing, but might not fit well into group environments. Think about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often need this simple reminder to keep their personality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles HR Articles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at WorkHow to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to business in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. These tips offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality clashes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up more, therefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise your other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when your big personality is also a big performer you need to make sure e veryone is happy and productivity remains high.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as part of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big personality is causing genuine problems and other more traditional solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assign him/her to a n upcoming public speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the initiative to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to note that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer service or marketing, but might not fit well into group environments. Think about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often need this simple reminder to keep their personality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles HR Articles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at WorkHow to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to business in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. These tips offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality clashes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up more, therefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise your other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when your big personality is also a big performer you need to make sure everyone is happy and productivity remains high.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as part of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big personality is causing genuine prob lems and other more traditional solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assign him/her to an upcoming public speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the initiative to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to note that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer service or marketing, but might not fit w ell into group environments. Think about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often need this simple reminder to keep their personality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles HR Articles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at WorkHow to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to business in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. These tips offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality clashes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up more, therefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise your other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when your big personality is also a big performer you need to make sure everyone is happy and productivity remains high.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as part of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big personality is causing genuine problems and other more traditional solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assi gn him/her to an upcoming public speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the initiative to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to note that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer service or marketing, but might not fit well into group environments. Think about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often n eed this simple reminder to keep their personality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles HR Articles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at WorkHow to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to business in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. These tips offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality clashes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up more, therefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise your other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when your big personality is also a big performer you need to make sure everyone is happy and productivity remains high.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as part of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big personality is causi ng genuine problems and other more traditional solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assign him/her to an upcoming public speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the initiative to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to note that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer service or marketing, but might not fit well into group environments. Think about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often need this simple reminder to keep their personality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trus ted Partners Home Articles HR Articles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at WorkHow to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to business in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. These tips offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality clashes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up more, therefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise your other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when your big personality is also a big per former you need to make sure everyone is happy and productivity remains high.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as part of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big personality is causing genuine problems and other more traditional solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assign him/her to an upcoming public speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the initiative to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to note that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer service or marketing, but might not fit well into group environments. Think about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often need this simple reminder to keep their personality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles HR Articles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at WorkHow to Handle Personality Clashes in the WorkplaceSearch 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail How to Handle Personality Clashes and Conflict in the WorkplaceThe big personality at work can be extremely beneficial to business in the right circumstances, but he/she can also present challenges to an employer and to colleagues. These tip s offer advice for key ways on how to handle personality clashes in the workplace due to a work personality that cant be contained by cubicle walls. 1. Let All Voices be HeardSome employees are made to feel like they arent as valued simply because the big personality speaks up more, therefore garnering more of a response. Take the opportunity to praise your other employees, too, even if their work is more behind the scenes.Its a tough tightrope to walk, but when your big personality is also a big performer you need to make sure everyone is happy and productivity remains high.2. Lower Your Own Voice Lower your voice and personality accordingly. People generally emulate others speaking tones. Try keeping your voice low and your comments rare and this will help the colleague reduce his/her tone without even realizing it. A big personality might require a lot of redirection, but helping to instill this as part of a pattern can be extremely helpful. 3. Document EverythingIf a big perso nality is causing genuine problems and other more traditional solutions have failed, document everything. Keeping a private journal, printing out emails, and keeping records of the issues youve had will be to your benefit if any of the conflicts come to a head. Keep a detailed history of the positive attributes, events, and achievements as well. You never know if youll need it down the road. 4. Capitalize on Their StrengthsChannel the positive energy into something work-related. If your employee is a talker, assign him/her to an upcoming public speaking project. If the employee really enjoys delving into the details, tap him/her to head the initiative to complete an upcoming research project.Big personalities respond well when others recognize their talents. Capitalize on their strengths. It is important to note that big personalities sometimes need a change of tasks or work. For example, a big personality who enjoys connecting with others might be a star in customer service or marketing, but might not fit well into group environments. Think about whether your employee might be a better fit in a different department.5. Address Major IssuesDont be afraid to address major issues. For many outgoing people, they learn quickly whether their behavior is acceptable simply by gauging your initial reaction. Perhaps they enjoy telling stories while drinking their coffee, but it helps to remind them some people work best in quiet and to respect the atmosphere for their colleagues. Many people often need this simple reminder to keep their personality in check. Same goes for the big personality piping up during meetings. You can address constant interruptions with Thanks for your comments, but lets hold any other questions or comments until the end. Related Content Executive Compensation Executive Negotiation Checklist Happy Manufacturing Day 10 Jobs in the Manufacturing Space Eight Things That Can Boost Your Pay From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles HR Articles 5 Ways to Handle the Big Personality at Work

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Excel at and Enjoy Social Networking Events

How to Excel at and Enjoy Social Networking EventsHow to Excel at and Enjoy Social Networking EventsNetworking is vitally important for your career because it can open the door to exciting possibilities like meeting influential people, a future mentor, or new opportunities.It can also be both personally and professionally enriching. So why do some of us avoid building our network through networking vorstellungs?Maybe its the fear of the unknown or the thought of it makes us feel uneasy. To help you overcome these emotions, heres how to prepare for a networking event and to get the fruchtwein out of the event, while youre there and after you leave. Before You Go Find networking events to attend Two sites that work well are and each site, search for categories that interest you and then select a network type of event. You could also check out associations that your LinkedIn network belongs to and see if they offer networking events or conferences.If an association really interests you, join it and then be sure to subscribe to its newsletter to learn about upcoming events. Preregistering for events is a good idea because you will be less likely to bail if youve already registered.That will also give you time to prepare and so make anticipating the event less stressful. Get mentally prepared Ask yourself these questions to set a goal about what you want to accomplish at the event Are there a number of contacts you want to hit?What will your ask be?Is there a problem youre looking to solve?Are you looking for a new hire?Is there a type of person you want to meet? Having a goal to achieve will help you maintain your focus and keep the nervousness at bay. Next, research what each event is about.If there is a presentation, research the presenter and think of questions youd like to ask them.If the event will be held in an interesting location, read up on it because that will give you a great conversation starter. Prepare a rough outl ine about what professional and/or personal information you will share with new contacts.Having the outline will help you keep the conversation going without babbling on and enable you to avoid those awkward moments of silence. Get physically prepared Plan the outfit you will wear.If its after work, bring a new outfit with you to change, so you will feel fresh and special. Find some time to relax before the event begins.Check yourself out in a mirror to make sure everything is in place.Then take a few slow deep breaths.You are not going into a competition.No one knows about the goal youve set for yourself at this event.Only you will know if you succeed or not. While Youre There Remember to smileYou have worked hard to get to this point and should be proud of what youve already accomplished.So smile for yourself and for others. Believe that you are someone worth meeting because you are Work on your goal As you meet new people, consider ways they could help you meet the goal youve set for yourself. Treat everyone gently and listen attentively to what they have to say, even if you realize they arent someone who can help you achieve that goal. Who knows? You may have met someone who will become a new good friend or who could help you reach a goal- or whom you could help reach a goal- in the future. Enjoy yourself No matter your primary goal, your secondary goal should be to have fun. Dont put so much emphasis on making the event a success that you forget to be yourself at the moment. Youll make a better impression on everyone you meet if youre there in a spirit of fun. Keep track of the new people youve met After youve made a connection with someone, take some notes so youll be able to recall who everyone was. The more people you chat with, the hazier the details may be later. As youre writing your notes, visualize the persons face again so it will be easier to recognize them the next time you see them in person. Leave at the right time Make your exit when you ve accomplished or made satisfactory progress toward your goal. After the Event Review your notes Look over your notes, remember the conversations youve had, and decide whom youd most like to follow up with. Even if you dont feel youve made a worthwhile connection with someone, you should at least follow up with a LinkedIn invite and perhaps an email. Deepen the connection If you really hit it off with someone and/or think theyre an important networking connection, definitely follow up with an email. Ask to meet with them again sometime, perhaps over coffee or for lunch. Dont come on too high-pressure, like a used-car salesman. Let the relationship develop a bit before you ask about job openings at their company or seek an interview, informational or otherwise, with them or someone else in their company. Plan for your next event If you leise feel a bit apprehensive about networking, plan to go to another networking event pretty quickly to keep up your momentum. But now that youv e gotten one down, theyll get easier and youll gain even more confidence and get more out of each one.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Keep the Peace in a Workplace Warzone

How to Keep the Peace in a Workplace Warzone How to Keep the Peace in a Workplace Warzone When dealing with problems in the workplace (or anywhere), consider several approaches that may mitigate hostility and promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict at hand. First off, give other people the benefit of the doubt. Dont immediately assume an individual is acting with the worst intentions in mind. Much more likely, poor choices were made based on miscommunication, overwork, or accidental oversight. Approach the issue from the viewpoint that a negative outcome was notlage the result of a personal vendetta. When discussing the issue with a co-worker, try to remain neutral and not let emotions control the direction of the conversation.A great way to get a different perspective on the issue is the tried and true put yourself into the other persons shoes technique. Try to understand the other priorities and pressures your co-worker is facing in addition to the bungled behavior at the r oot of a problem. Putting yourself into a position to feel empathy for another person can help you better understand his or her state of mind that might have led to a mistakes besides outright maliciousness.Workplace tension is often caused by basic misunderstandings especially when conveying instructions for a complex project or other task. Before delegating any assignment to a co-worker, meet with the individual and clarify the precise responsibilities that person is taking on for his or her tasks. Afterward, periodically check in on progredienz to make sure instructions are being followed and to prevent problems from occurring from the start.An easy way to escalate a minor dispute into a full blown argument is to use destructive criticism and name calling. When (not if) disagreements arise, keep criticism constructive and remain supportive. Keeping an even tone and using neutral wording are the primary means of avoiding tension buildup and the development of resentment. Bottom li ne be tactful at all times.A key tactic to keeping problems from reaching your manager is to resolve any conflict rapidly. Dont wait around for the other person to hold out an olive branch. Once your emotions have settled, politely ask to meet with your co-worker and focus on finding a solution to the problem. Sometimes the resolution can be as simple as apologizing or being forgiving. Other times, particularly uncompromising people may not be willing to cooperate in dispelling tension. Especially rude or stubborn people may leave you no other choice than to escalate the issue to a supervisor. Despite the inevitable presence of these people in the workplace, most disagreements can be solved through simple diplomacy and mutual empathy.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

These are the states with the best (and worst) career wellbeing

These are the states with the best (and worst) career wellbeingThese are the states with the best (and worst) career wellbeingOur wellbeing is inextricably connected to the workplace. Our overall wohlbefinden factors into our job performance, not to mention our absenteeism. But the relationship goes both ways If were not happy in a job, that means one of the most important parts of our life is off-kilter and our wellbeing suffers the consequences.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreSince 2008, Gallup has measuredAmericans wellbeing across the country using an index that includes five essential elements of wellbeing Career, social, financial, community and physical wellbeing. Gallup defines career wellbeing as liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals.GallupGallup just released new rankings from 2018, based on upwards of 115,000 surveys conducted throughou t the year. Overall, high wellbeing appears to be concentrated in the West, with a few areas in the Northeast also scoring well on the index. The South and Midwest, in contrast, tend to rank low on the wellbeing index.States with thehighest overall wellbeingHawaiiWyomingAlaskaMontanaUtahColoradoVermontDelawareSouth DakotaNorth DakotaStates with the lowest overall wellbeingWest VirginiaArkansasKentuckyMississippiTennesseeOklahomaAlabamaLouisianaIlinoisIndianaWhen Gallup refines the results to focus solely on career wellbeing, however, the rankings shift slightly. The top states for career wellbeing are to be expected, based on the top 10 states overall Hawaii, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Alaska all appear to have workers who look forward to going into the schreibstube every day. But the states that dont perform as well in career wellbeing may come as a surprise, as at least one of them is considered a hub for career development.According to Gallups surveys during 2018, New York, Kentu cky, Oregon, Arkansas and West Virginia had the worst scores for career wellbeing. For those of us who grew up watching workplace television series based in New York, or who dreamed of relocating to Manhattan specifically for career growth, the fact that so many New Yorkers are unhappy and unmotivated in their jobs may come as a shock.GallupIn other categories, New York doesnt rank among either the best or worst states. Hawaii again tops the list for social wellbeing alongside Delaware, Vermont, Utah and Florida Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, West Virginia and Arkansas pale in comparison. For financial wellbeing, Hawaii, Alaska, North Dakota, Delaware and New Hampshire nab the top spots, countered by Arkansas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana and Oklahoma at the bottom.Community wellbeing is good in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii and Vermont, but not in Illinois, Maryland, Louisiana, New Mexico or West Virginia. And people feel physically well in Alaska, Colorado, Wyoming, Haw aii and Connecticut (but less so in Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky and West Virginia).You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from kleine Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people